Forests are vital for the well-being of our planet and its inhabitants. They provide essential ecosystem services, such as carbon sequestration, biodiversity conservation, water regulation, and soil protection. However, forests are also under constant threat from deforestation, degradation, fire, and climate change. These threats pose serious challenges for the sustainable management of forest resources, especially in developing countries with limited capacity and resources.

  iForSABAH is an innovative application webGIS system that aims to address these challenges by using space technology and remote sensing to monitor the forest areas in Sabah, Malaysia. iForSABAH stands for Integrated Forest Resource Information System for Sabah, and it is a collaboration between the Malaysian Space Agency (MYSA) and the Sabah Forestry Department. The system uses Geographic Information System (GIS) technology and high-resolution satellite images to detect any changes in permanent forest reserves, and provide information on forest cover, forest type, forest degradation, forest fire, forest restoration, forest carbon stock, and forest biodiversity. The system also supports the empowerment of indigenous peoples and local communities who depend on the forest resources for their livelihoods.

  iForSABAH is a cutting-edge solution that leverages the power of space technology to enhance the management of forest resources, support the implementation of the Sabah Forest Management Plan, and contribute to the national and international commitments on forest conservation and climate change mitigation. By using iForSABAH, users can access reliable, timely, and accurate information on the status and trends of the forest areas in Sabah, and make informed decisions for the benefit of the environment and the society.